Kai. Amdar Brahmdevdada Mane Shikshan Va Samajik Pratishtahn, Belati, Sanchalit
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Rcognized by Govt. of Maharashtra & Affiliated to M.S.B.T.E., Mumbai.)


  Recruitment Advertisement  2024-2025 &2025-2026    FY and DSY admissions rolling for 2024-25   DSY Non CAP Merit List 2024-25   FY Non CAP Merit List  2024-25

Mechanical Engineering

Mech HOD Phulari S S.

Mr. Shashikant Phulari

HOD- Mechanical Engineering

M.E. ( Mechanical Design)


The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic is one of the best departments in Solapur. Starting in 2008, we persistently seek and adopt innovative techniques to improve the quality of education and strongly believe in outcome-based education philosophy. We are affiliated with the prestigious M.S.B.T.E Mumbai University with an intake of 60 seats at the undergraduate level. We believe in creating value for our stakeholders. In addition to enriched academics, we impart industry-demanded skills from time to time. 

The skill development program in our department is one of the most unique activities. Through this program, we impart the latest skills that are needed in the industry. Technical, professional, social, and interpersonal aspects of student personality are some of the key attributes that are honored at our department. Excellent curricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular, and extension activities are our performance indicators. The journey of student learning from fundamentals to advances in mechanical engineering at our department is accompanied by several value-added activities.

Department of Mechanical Engineering is established in 2008 with intake of 60 students. 

The department is enriched with highly qualified and well experienced faculties ready to take challenges of mentoring the future Diploma Engineers, who are fit to take any challenges in the field. Besides academic, department motivates the students for overall development.

Department promotes faculty for higher education. Departmentdepute faculties to attend faculty development training program to upgrade technical knowledge.

Regular industrial visits, industrial training, workshops, interaction with field experts along with participation in various cocurricular events is facilitated by the staff of the department in the interest of students for the better grooming and overall development of the students.

Department has well equipped laboratories wise Computer Aided Drafting, Metrology and Quality Control, Mechanical Engineering Materials, Thermal & Power Engineering, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Power, Theory of Machine, Drawing Hall. All laboratories are supported with charts/models for additional information to students.

The department is awarded with “Excellent” grade by External Academic Monitoring, MSBTE, Mumbai.

Department provides training and placement assistance to all students.

Sr. No.NameQualificationDesignationDate of JoiningExperienceNature of WorkResearch InterestPhoto
1.Phulari Shashikant ShivputraM.E. (Design)HOD01-11-200825 YearsRMechanical Design Engineering

Phulari Shashikant Shivputra

2.Patil Dhareshwar SubhashM.E. (Design)Selection Grade Lecturer01-04-202214 YearsRMechanical Design Engineering
Mr Patil Dhareshwar Subhash
3.Lamkane Anup AbasahebM.E. (Design)Sr. Lecturer03-06-201311 YearsRMechanical Design Engineering
Mr Lamkane Anup Abasaheb
4.Gaikwad Rushikesh BabasahebM.E. (Design)Sr. Lecturer01-04-202211 YearsRMechanical Design Engineering
Gaikwad Rushikesh Babasaheb
5.Jamadar Saiphan LiyakatM.Tech (Thermal)Selection Grade Lecturer13-07-201812 YearsRThermal Engineering
Jamadar Saiphan Liyakat
6.Soma Sudhir PandurangB. E.Sr. Lecturer03-07-201914 YearsRMechanical Engineering
Soma Sudhir Pandurang
7.Randive Sonali AchyutM.E. (Design)Lecturer01-04-202205 YearsRMechanical Design Engineering
Randive Sonali Achyut
8.Neel Laxman MahavirB.E Lecturer20/08/20246 YearsRMechanical Engineering


                            Non Teaching Staff

S. N.Name of StaffTotal ExperienceDesignationEmail IdPhoto
1Pawan Dharmaraj Ghodake5Technical Lab Assistanceghulean12@gmail.com
2Rahul Namdev Yadav5Technical Lab Assistancefulari.sachin@gmail.com
3Dattatray Machindranath Kadam5Technical Lab Assistancefulari.sachin@gmail.com


To be identified as an excellent destination for Mechanical Engineering studies responsive to industrial and social needs.


  • To prepare the students for placement and higher education by providing a conducive environment and infrastructural facilities.
  • To achieve academic excellence in the mechanical engineering field by providing high-quality training.
  • To impart high ethical and moral values and develop socially responsible engineers. 
  • PEO1. Provide socially responsible, environment-friendly solutions to Mechanical engineering-related broad-based problems adapting professional ethics.

  • PEO 2. Adapt state-of-the-art Mechanical engineering broad-based technologies to work in multidisciplinary work environments.

  • PEO 3. Solve broad-based problems individually and as a team member communicating effectively in the world of work.

  • PSO1 : Modern Software Usage : 

Use latest Mechanical engineering related software for simple design, drafting, manufacturing, maintenance and documentation of Mechanical engineering components and processes

  • PSO2 : Equipment and Instruments : 

Maintain equipment and instruments related to Mechanical Engineering

  • PSO3 : Mechanical Engineering Processes :

Manage Mechanical engineering processes by selecting and scheduling relevant equipment, substrates, quality control techniques, and operational parameters

  • PO1: Basic and Discipline-specific knowledge: 

Apply basic mathematics, science, and engineering fundamentals knowledge and an engineering specialization to solve engineering problems.

  • PO2: Problem analysis: 

Identify and analyze well-defined engineering problems using codified standard methods.

  • PO3: Design/ development of solutions: 

Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with designing systems components or processes to meet specified needs.

  • PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: 

Apply modern engineering tools and appropriate techniques to conduct standard tests and measurements.

  • PO5: Engineering practices for society, sustainability, and environment: 

Apply appropriate technology in the context of society, sustainability, environment, and ethical practices.

  • PO6: Project Management: 

Use engineering management principles individually, as a team member, or as a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined engineering activities.

  • PO7: Lifelong learning: 

Ability to analyze individual needs and update in the context of technological changes.

Classroom Details are given below in table

Sr. NoInfrastructureQuantity
1Class Room03
2Tutorial Room01
3Drawing Hall01
4Seminar Hall01

Lab Information

Sr. NoName of The LaboratoryMajor Equipment
1Fluid Power & Fluid Mechanics Lab
Pelton Wheel Turbine Test Rig
Single Stage Centrifugal Pump Test Rig
Reciprocating Plunger Type Test Rig
Hydraulic Trainer Kit
Pneumatic Trainer Kit
2Power Engineering Lab

Thermal Conductivity of Metal Bar

Stefan Boltzmann Apparatus

Multi-Cylinder Petrol Engine For Morse Test / Heat Balance Sheet

Exhaust Gas Analyzer For Petrol / Diesel Engine

2 Stage,2 HP Air Compressor Test Rig

Vapor Compression Refrigeration Test Rig.

Separating And Throttling Calorimeter App.

3Thermal, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Lab

Air Conditioning Test Rig.

Domestic Refrigerator Test Rig.

Ice Plant Test Rig.

Water Cooler Test Rig.

Window Air Conditioning Test Rig.

Convective heat transfer app.


SLT 100 Servo CNC Lathe trainer with PLC Controller & Siemens Servo motors

SMT 250Servo CNC Mill trainer with PLC Controller & Siemens Servo motors

5Metrology & Quality Control Lab

Mechanical Floating Carriage Diameter

Steel Slip Gauge Set M88 Grade 1 Set Size pieces 88

Profile Projector ( Model 300T ) with 10x lens. Rotary screen

Monochromatic light source with specimen set and optical flat 

Pneumatic Comparator 

Portable Surface Roughness Tester

Sine Center (0-200 Mm)

6Auto Cad Lab

HP designed a jet plotter

Destock I5 6th generation 8GB RAM, 500 GB hard disk

7Theory of machine lab

Test Rig –To Measure Slip & Creep In Open Belt Drive

Universal Governor Mechanism

Motorized single slider crank mechanism

Motorized scotch yoke mechanism

Balancing of rotating masses

Test Rig Breaking Torque Measurement

8Mechanical engineering measurement lab

Binocular Metallurgical Microscope

Muffle Furnace Digital Temperature Up To 1200 0c.


Medium Duty Lathe Machine

Milling Machine 

Hydraulic Hacksaw

Arc welding Machine

Spot Welding Machine

  • Software:
  1. Auto Cad 2011


Computer Center Lab












Fancy Dress Competition
Computer Center Lab
Group Discussion
Parents Meet
Poster Presentation Competition
Rapid Questioning
Sports Competition
Voters Oath
Celebrating Teacher Day
Traditional Day
Expert Lecture by RTO on Road safety, Acts & Carrier in RTO
Computer Center Lab
Expert Lecture by RTO
Guest Lecture_by Harshal Thadsare & Apurva Vaghmare on  Social Economic & Health
Guest Lecture by Pramod Deshmukh on Piping Design  
Guest Lecture Shweta Upalap on Safety Management
 MSRTC Workshop, Solapur

Computer Center Lab

 Rudrali HI Tech, Solapur
 Shriram Foundry, Solapur
Renuka Engg, Solapur
ME Material Lab
Computer Center Lab
ME Material Lab
ME Material Lab
ME Class Room
ME Class Room
ME Class Room
ME Class Room
ME Fluid Mechanics Lab
ME Fluid Mechanics Lab
ME Fluid power Lab
ME Power Lab
ME Power Lab
ME Refrigeration & Airconditioning Lab
ME Refrigeration & Airconditioning Lab
ME Theory of Machine Lab
ME Thermal Lab
ME WS Carpentry Shop
ME WS Carpentry Shop
ME WS Carpentry Shop
ME WS Carpentry Shop
ME WS Carpentry Shop
ME WS Carpentry Shop
Smithy Shop
ME WS Machine Shop
ME WS Machine Shop
ME WS Machine Shop
ME WS Machine Shop
ME WS Machine Shop
ME WS Welding Shop
ME WS Welding Shop
ME WS Welding Shop
ME WS Welding Shop





ME2K Scheme Page

ME 1I Curriculum

ME 2I Curriculum

ME 3I Curriculum

ME 4I Curriculum

ME 5I Curriculum

ME 6I Curriculum


Co No.Course Outcomes
 Course Name: ENG 22101
C101.1Formulate a Grammatically Correct Sentence
C101.2Summarize the Comprehension Passage
C101.3Compose dialogues and paragraphs for different situations
C101.4Use relevant words according to the content.
C101.5Deliver prepared speeches to express ideas, thoughts, and emotions.
 Course Name: BSC 22102
C102.1Estimate error in measurement of physical quantities
C102.2Apply the principle of electricity & magnetism to solve Engg. Problems
C102.3Use the basic principle of heat & optics about Engg. Application
C102.4Apply the catalysis process in industries
C102.5Use corrosion preventive measures in the industry
C102.6Use relevant Engg. Materials in industry
 Course Name: BMS 22103
C103.1Apply the concept of algebra to solve engineering-related problems
C103.2Utilize the basic concept of trigonometry to solve elements engineering problem
C103.3Solve the basic engineering problems under given conditions of straight lines.
C103.4Solve the problems based on the measurement of regular closed figures and regular solids
C103.5Use basic concepts of statistics to solve engineering-related problems
 Course Name: ICT 22001
C104.1Use the computer system and its peripherals.
C104.2Prepare business documents using a word processing tool.
C104.3Interpret data and represent it graphically using a spreadsheet.
C104.4Prepare professional presentations.
C104.5Use different types of web browsers.
 Course Name: EGM 22002
C105.1Draw regular geometrical figures
C105.2Draw the views of a given object using principles of orthographic projection
C105.3Draw isometric views of a given component or from orthographic projections
C105.4Use drawing codes, conventions, and symbols as per IS SP-46 in engineering drawing
C105.5Draw free-hand sketches of given engineering elements
 Course Name: WPM 22004
C106.1Select tools and machinery according to the job
C106.2Use hand tools in different shops to perform different operations
C106.3Operate equipment and machines in various shops
C106.4Prepare composite/utility jobs according to the drawing.
C106.5Maintain workshop related tools, instruments, and machines
CO No.Course Outcomes
 Course Name: ASM 22202
C201.1Select relevant material in the industry by analyzing its physical properties
C201.2Apply Laws of motion in various application
C201.3Use LASERs, X- Rays and photoelectric sensors
C201.4Select the relevant metallurgical process related to industrial applications
C201.5Use relevant water treatment processes to solve industrial problems
C201.6Use relevant fuel in the relevant application
 Course Name: AME 22203
C202.1Identify the force systems for given conditions by applying the basics of mechanics.
C202.2Select the relevant simple lifting machine (s) for the given purposes.
C202.3Determine the unknown force (s) of different engineering systems.
C202.4Check the stability of various force systems.
C202.5Apply the principles of friction in various conditions for useful purposes.
C202.6Find the centroid and center of gravity of various components of engineering systems.
 Course Name: AMP 22206
C203.1Calculate the equation of tangent, maxima, minima, and radius of curvature by differentiation.
C203.2Solve the given problems of integration using suitable methods.
C203.3Apply the concept of integration to find area and volume.
C203.4Solve the differential equations of the first order and first-degree using suitable methods.
C203.5Use basic concepts of probability distribution to solve elementary engineering problems
 Course Name: EDR 22207
C204.1Draw projections of 2d,3d standard regular entities
C204.2Draw a sectional view of the object
C204.3Draw orthographic sectional and missing view
C204.4Draw an auxiliary view of the object
C204.5Use various, drawing codes, conventions, and symbols
C204.6Draw freehand sketches of given engg element
 Course Name: BCC 22009
C205.1Communicate effectively by avoiding barriers in various formal and informal situations.
C205.2Communicate skilfully using non-verbal methods of communication
C205.3Give presentations by using audio-visual aids
C205.4Write reports using the correct guidelines
C205.5Compose e-mail and formal business letters
 Course Name: MEW 22010
C206.1Select tools and machinery according to the job
C206.2Use hand tools in different shops to perform different operations
C206.3Operate equipment and machines in various shops
C206.4Prepare composite/utility jobs according to the drawing.
C206.5Maintain workshop related tools, instruments, and machines
CO No.Course Outcomes
 Course Name: SOM 22306
C301.1Compute the Moment of Inertia of symmetric and asymmetric structural sections.
C301.2Estimate simple stresses in machine components.
C301.3Perform tests to evaluate mechanical properties according to India Standards.
C301.4Compute shear force, bending moment, and corresponding shear and bending stresses in beams subjected to point and uniformly distributed load.
C301.5Estimate stresses in shafts under twisting moments.
C301.6Estimate stresses in short members subjected to eccentric loading
 Course Name: BEE 22310
C302.1Use the principle of Electric and Magnetic circuits to solve engineering problems
C302.2Determine voltage and current in A.C. Circuits.
C302.3Connect transformer and DC motors for specific requirements
C302.4Identify electronic components in an electric circuit
C302.5Use relevant electronic components safely
C302.6Use relevant electric/ electronic protective devices safely
 Course Name: TEN 22337
C303.1Apply laws of thermodynamics to devices based on thermodynamics.
C303.2Use the first law of thermodynamics for an ideal gas in closed systems.
C303.3Use relevant steam boilers.
C303.4Use relevant steam nozzles and turbines.
C303.5Use relevant steam condensers.
C303.6Use suitable modes of heat transfer.
 Course Name: MWM 22341
C304.1Draw the development of the lateral surface of various solids.
C304.2Draw intersection curves of different solids.
C304.3Use various drawing codes, conventions, and symbols as per IS SP-46.
C304.4Draw production drawings used to produce products.
C304.5Draw assembly and detailed drawings of products.
 Course Name: EME 22342
C305.1Select the relevant instrument for measurement.
C305.2Use different types of comparators.
C305.3Select gauges, fits, and tolerances for machine components.
C305.4Use relevant instruments to measure different parameters of screw thread and gear.
C305.5Use linear and angular measuring instruments.
C305.6Select relevant surface testing methods.
 Course Name: MEM 22343
C306.1Identify properties of materials.
C306.2Select relevant ferrous materials for mechanical components.
C306.3Select relevant cast iron for the engineering application.
C306.4Use non-ferrous materials for mechanical components.
C306.5Suggest relevant advanced materials for mechanical components.
C306.6Select the relevant heat treatment process.
CO No.Course Outcomes 
 Course Name:  TOM 22438
C401.1Identify various links in popular mechanisms.
C401.2Select suitable mechanisms for various applications.
C401.3Interpret the motion of cams and followers.
C401.4Recommend relevant belts, chains, and drives for different applications.
C401.5Choose relevant brakes and clutches for various applications.
C401.6Select a suitable flywheel and governor for various applications.
 Course Name: MEM 22443
C402.1Use relevant instruments for measuring displacement
C402.2Use relevant instruments for measuring force and torque.
C402.3Use relevant pressure and temperature measuring instruments
C402.4Use relevant instruments for measurement of flow.
C402.5Select relevant instruments for the measurement of vibration and strain.
C402.6Select relevant instruments for spaced anal sound measurement.
 Course Name: FMM 22445
C403.1CO1. Use Manometers and Bourden gauges to measure pressure.
C403.2CO2. Use flow meters to measure the rate of flow.
C403.3CO3. Maintain flow through pipes.
C403.4CO4. Maintain the jet impact on various types of vanes for optimum efficiency.
C403.5CO5. Maintain hydraulic turbines.
C403.6CO6. Maintain hydraulic pumps.
 Course Name: MPR 22446
C404.1Produce jobs using lathe and drilling machines.
C404.2Produce jobs using Shaping and Slotting operations.
C404.3Prepare Product using different casting processes
C404.4Prepare Product using different Forming processes
C404.5Use Joining Process to Produce Jobs
 Course Name: EST 22447
C405.1Develop public awareness about the environment.
C405.2Select alternative energy resources for Engineering practice.
C405.3Conserve Ecosystem & Biodiversity.
C405.4Apply techniques to reduce environmental pollution.
C405.5Manage social issues & Environmental ethics as lifelong learning.
 Course Name: CAD 22042
C406.1Use file management techniques in CAD software
C406.2Draw complex 2D geometric figures using CAD software.
C406.3Modify complex 2D geometric figures using CAD software
C406.4Use software to dimension and write text on existing 2D geometric entities.
C406.5Use software to plot existing drawings with desired plot parameters.
C406.6Create Isometric drawings using CAD software
C406.7Use layers and blocks to create digital drawings using relevant software.
 Course Name: FOM 22048
C407.1Identify different instruments, sensors, actuators, microprocessors, software, and mechanical components in mechatronics-based systems
C407.2Use sensors for different mechatronics applications.
C407.3Use transducers for different mechatronics-based applications.
C407.4Use actuators for various mechatronics-based applications.
C407.5Program PLC for various applications.
C407.6Use microprocessors and microcontrollers for various mechatronics-based applications.
CO No.Course Outcomes
 Course Name: MAN 22509
C501.1Use basic management principles to execute daily activities
C501.2Use principles of planning and organizing for the accomplishment of tasks.
C501.3Use principles of directing and controlling for implementing the plans.
C501.4Apply principles of safety management in all activities
C501.5Understand various provisions of industrial acts
 Course Name: PER 22562
C502.1Identify different components of IC engines and their auxiliaries
C502.2Test the performance of the IC engine
C502.3Maintain reciprocating air compressor
C502.4Identify different components of Gas turbine and jet engines
C502.5Test the performance of refrigeration and air conditioning systems.
 Course Name: AMP 22563
C503.1Maintain the nonconventional machining process to produce complex and hard-to-machine components.
C503.2Produce components using the milling machine.
C503.3Choose the relevant machining process to produce gears.
C503.4.Maintain CNC machines to produce components effectively.
C503.5Prepare CNC part programs for simple components.
C503.6Maintain the functioning of automated equipment.
 Course Name: EMD 22564
C504.1Select suitable materials for designing machine elements
C504.2Design joints and levers for various applications
C504.3Design the power transmission elements like shafts, keys, and couplings
C504.4Recommend the power screws and suitable fasteners for different applications
C504.5Choose springs for various applications
C504.6Select standard components with their specifications from the manufacturers' catalog
 Course Name: TE/N 22565
C505.1Interpret geometries of various cutting tools
C505.2Use relevant cutting tool inserts and tool holders for different machining operations
C505.3Use relevant locating and clamping devices for components
C505.4Use relevant jigs and fixtures for components and machining operations
C505.5Use relevant press tool and press tool operation
C505.6Use the relevant die for bending, Drawing, and forging simple components
 Course Name: ITR 22049
C506.1To enable students to learn the basic concepts of Project & Production Management of industries.
C506.2Develop individual confidence to handle various engineering assignments and expose them to acquiring life skills to meet societal challenges.
C506.3To study the concept of Facility, Location & Layout & implementation/Expertise /domain /Product in their Industrial In-plant training Project work.
C506.4Enhance communication skills and life-long learning, and acquire technical skills, employability skills, Practical skills, risks in industry, management skills, and other skills that are conducive to professional engagement.
C506.5.Identify career paths taking into account their strengths and aptitude and Prepare a report about the work experience in the industry
 Course Name: CPP 22050
C507.1Write the problem/Task Specification in the existing system related to the occupation.
C507.2Select, Collect, and use the required information/Knowledge to solve the problem to complete the task
C507.3Logically choose the relevant possible solutions
C507.4Consider the ethical issues related to the project.
C507.5Assess the impact of the project on society
C507.6Prepare project proposal with action plan and time duration scientifically before beginning of the project
C507.7Communicate effectively and confidently as a member and leader of the team.
 Course Name: SMA 22053
C508.1Prepare 2D Drawing using a sketcher workbench of any parametric CAD software.
C508.2Generate 3D Solid models from 2D sketches using the Part workbench of any parametric CAD software.
C508.3Prepare assembly of part models using the Assembly workbench of any parametric CAD software.
C508.4Generate orthographic views of 3D solid models/assemblies using a drafting workbench of any parametric CAD software.
C508.5Plot a drawing for the given part model/assembly.
C508.6Print components using a 3D Printer/Rapid prototyping machine.
CO No.Course Outcomes
 Course Name: ETM 22652
C601.1Identify different New Systems available in Automobile
C601.2Apply Heat engineering principles in process boilers and waste heat recovery systems used in Process Industry
C601.3Cite examples of Modern Manufacturing Technology in the industry
C601.4Use different standards for energy Management and Audit of a given system
C601.5Select different agricultural equipment for pre and post-harvesting
 Course Name: IHP 22655
C602.1Identify various components of Hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
C602.2Select the Pump and Actuator for the given fluid-operated system.
C602.3Select the Appropriate Control valve for the given fluid-operated system
C602.4Select the Compressor And Appropriate accessories for the given fluid-operated system
C602.5Develop different hydraulic circuits for given simple application
C602.6Develop different pneumatic circuits for given simple application
 Course Name: AEN 22656
C603.1Prepare vehicle layouts with chassis specifications.
C603.2Interpret power flow diagrams of transmission systems.
C603.3Select suitable braking and steering systems for different applications.
C603.4Select a suspension system for different applications.
C603.5Prepare simple electrical-electronic circuits for automobile systems.
C603.6Select service tools for relevant service operations in automobile shops.
 Course Name: IEQ 22657
C604.1Apply work study techniques to optimize manufacturing processes.
C604.2Prepare the detailed sequence of operations for manufacturing of components.
C604.3Apply Ergonomic principles for designing simple mechanical components.
C604.4Interpret the data obtained from the different quality control processes
C604.5Interpret control charts for variable and attribute data.
 Course Name: RAC 22660
C605.1Use refrigeration systems for a given application
C605.2Use relevant refrigerants for different applications.
C605.3Select different refrigeration components for a given refrigeration system.
C605.4Select different air-conditioning components for a given air-conditioning system.
C605.5Determine cooling loads for Air-conditioning systems.
C605.6Select relevant tools for maintaining air conditioning systems
 Course Name: EDE 22032
C606.1Identify your entrepreneurial traits.
C606.2Identify the business opportunities that suit you.
C606.3Use the support system to zero down on your business idea.
C606.4Develop a comprehensive business plan
C606.5Prepare a plan to manage the enterprise effectively.
 Course Name: CPE 22060
C607.1Implement the planned activity individually or as a team
C607.2Select, collect, and use the required information/knowledge to solve the identified problem
C607.3Make appropriate decisions based on collected and analyzed information.
C607.4Ensure quality in a product.
C607.5Incorporate energy and environment conservation principles
C607.6Consider the ethical issues related to the project (if any).
C607.7Assess the impact of the project on society.
C607.8Communicate effectively & confidently as a member and leader of a team.
C607.9Prepare project report after performing due plagiarism check using appropriate tools.
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