- DTE - 6446
- MSBTE - 0993
Prof. Raju Pawar
Computers have revolutionized not only data processing and storage, but also the quality of life, communication, manufacturing, and transportation, PCs, laptops, Internet and teleconferences have become household commodities...
The department has well equipped Terminal with the latest configuration & software packages. The department Terminals are interconnected with (LAN).
All the facilities are assisting in focusing the attention to increase the technical as well as theory knowledge of student
Sr. No. | Name of Faculty | Designation | Joining Date | Qualification | Experience | Email Id | Photo |
1. | Mr Pawar Raju Ratan | HOD | 1/Sep/2022 | M. Tech. (CSE) | 20 | rajurpawar@yahoo.com | |
2. | Ms Basate Bhagyashri Annaso | Lecturer | 23/Sep/2022 | B.Tech | 01 | bhagyashribasate@gmail.com | |
3. | Ms Pawar Monika Dilip | Lecturer | 10/Oct/2022 | B.E. | 00 | monikapawar655@gmail.com | |
4. | Mr Patil Sourabh Anil | Lecturer | 7/Feb/2023 | B.Tech | 02 | patilsourabh674@gmail.com | |
5. | Mrs.Ghadge Swati Arvind | Lecturer | 9/Aug/2023 | B.E. | 00 | swatiaghadge106@gmail.com | |
6. | Mrs. Kale Arati Amol | Lecturer | 7/Aug/2023 | B.E. | 00 | aratihabbu4@gmail.com |
Non Teaching Staff
S. N. | Name of Staff | Total Experience | Email Id | Photo |
1 | Mrs Ghule Archana Nitin | 9.8 | ghulean12@gmail.com | |
2 | Mr Fulari Sachin Govind | 18 | fulari.sachin@gmail.com |
“To become a center of excellence by producing skilled and technically competent computer engineers to serve the society.”
- To impart skill-based technical education by providing a suitable academic environment in the field of Computer Engineering.
- To establish an effective learning environment through industry-institute interactions.
- To produce responsible individuals by imparting good social and ethical values.
- Provide socially responsible, environment-friendly solutions to Computer technology-related broad-based problems adapting professional ethics.
- Adapt state-of-the-art Computer Technology and broad-based technologies to work in multi-disciplinary work environments.
- Solve broad-based problems individually and as a team member communicating effectively in the world of work.
- PSO1: To use state of art technologies for the operation of computer software and hardware.
- PSO2: To maintain computer engineering-related software and hardware.
- PSO3: To facilitate IT industries by providing technical human resources.
1. Basic and Discipline-specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science and
engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify and analyze well-defined engineering problems using codified standard methods.
3. Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet specified needs.
4. Engineering Tools, Experimentation, and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and appropriate techniques to conduct standard tests and measurements.
5. Engineering practices for society, sustainability, and environment: Apply appropriate technology in the context of society, sustainability, environment, and ethical practices.
6. Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team member, or as a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined engineering activities.
7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the context of technological changes.
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast