Kai. Amdar Brahmdevdada Mane Shikshan Va Samajik Pratishtahn, Belati, Sanchalit
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Rcognized by Govt. of Maharashtra & Affiliated to M.S.B.T.E., Mumbai.)


  Recruitment Advertisement  2024-2025 &2025-2026    FY and DSY admissions rolling for 2024-25   DSY Non CAP Merit List 2024-25   FY Non CAP Merit List  2024-25

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Prof.Ghule D.K.

H.O.D Electronics & Telecommunication Department



The Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Department was established in the year 2008. As technology grows, Electronics & Telecommunication play a vital role in this growing era of technology which is making crucial changes in day-to-day life. With the basic motto to enhance the skills of youth in electronics, our departments carry out all the activities.

 The department is well equipped with all the essential facilities like laboratories and the department library. The department has an Analog Electronics Lab, Digital Techniques & Microcontroller Lab, Electronics Workshop  & PCB Lab, Measurement & Control Lab & Communication Lab.

The department has all experienced faculties with an obvious vision to develop the skills of every youth. They carry out various activities to enhance skills and mentor every student.

  • The Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Department was established in the year 2008. As technology grows, Electronics & Telecommunication play a vital role in this growing era of technology which is making crucial changes in day-to-day life. With the basic motto to enhance the skills of youth in electronics, our departments carry out all the activities.
  • The department is well equipped with all the essential facilities like laboratories and the department library. The department has an Analog Electronics Lab, Digital Techniques & Microcontroller Lab, Electronics Workshop & PCB Lab, Measurement & Control Lab & Communication Lab.
  • The department has all experienced faculties with an obvious vision to develop the skills of every youth. They carry out various activities to enhance skills and mentor every student.


Sr. No.Name of FacultyQualificationDesignationExperienceDate of JoiningNature of WorkEmail IdPhoto
1.Prof.Ghule D.K.MEHOD2408/05/2020Regulardipakghuleg@gmail.com
Ghule D.K
2.Prof.Landge P.PMELecturer0609/04/2021Regularlandgepooja51@gmail.com
Landge P.P
3.Prof.Jokar S.J.B.E.Lecturer711/03/2022Regularjokarshruti@gmail.com
Jokar S.J
4.Prof.Khalsode A.D.B.E.Lecturer0227/07/2022Regularambika30augkhalsode@gmail.com
Khalsode A.D
5.Prof.Waghmare S.R.B.E.Lecturer0720/08/2022Regularwaghmaresujata57@gmail.com
Waghmare S.R
6.Prof.Udane A.B.B.E.Lecturer101/08/2023Regularudanearchana16@gmail.com
7.Prof. Deshpande P.DB.TechLecturer0.01/01/2025Regulardeshpandepranavbmp@gmail.com
8.Prof. Bharama S.SBELecturer0.21/01/2025Regularsakshibharama@gmail.com
9.Prof.Barbole V.VBELecturer-21/01/2025Regularvishalbarbole123@gmail.com
Sr. No.Name of StaffDesignationIndustrial ExperienceBMP ExperienceTotal ExperienceEmail IdPhoto
1.Mr. Shelar Omdatta DadasahebTechnical Lab Assistance84.512.5omdatta24@gmail.com
Shelar O.D
2.Ms Sutkar Prajkta BharatTechnical Lab Assistance01.51.5prajkta24april@gmail.com
Sutkar P.B


To produce skill based technical manpower as per requirement of modern industry in the field of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering.



1 To impart high quality technical skills to satisfy the needs of modern industries.

2 To build a strong foundation to enable students to face challenges in the relevant field.

3 To impart moral ethical and social values to bring out responsible humans.

PEO1: Provide socially responsible, environment-friendly solutions to electronics and telecommunication engineering-related broad-based problems adapting professional ethics.

PEO2: Adapt state–of–the–art electronics & telecommunication engineering broad-based technologies to work in multi-disciplinary work environments.

PEO3: Solve broad-based problems individually and as a team member communicating effectively in the world of work.

  • PSO1: Electronics and Telecommunication Systems: Maintain various types of Electronics and Telecommunication Systems.
  • PSO2: EDA Tools Usage: Use EDA tools to develop simple Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering related circuits.

1. Basic and Discipline-specific knowledge:  Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science, and engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to solve the engineering problems.

2. Problem analysis: Identify and analyze well-defined engineering problems using codified standard methods.

3. Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet specified needs.

4. Engineering Tools, Experimentation, and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and appropriate techniques to conduct standard tests and measurements.

5. Engineering practices for society, sustainability, and environment:  Apply appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment, and ethical practices.

6. Project Management:  Use engineering management principles individually, as a team member, or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined engineering activities.

7. Life-long learning:  Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the context of technological changes.


  • Communication Lab
  • Measurement and Control Lab
  • PCB Workshop Lab
  • Analog Electronics Lab
  • Digital and Microcontroller Lab
  • Embedded Lab



  • Xilinx
  • Kiel
  • Proteus


Major types of equipment:

  • Antenna (Yagi-Uda) Trainer Model
  • Qpsk Mod –Demod Trainer Kit
  • Qam Mod –Demod Trainer Kit
  • Mobile Phone Trainer Kit 
  • GSM trainer kit 
  • Microwave test bench
Content & Report writing
Computer Center Lab
Content & Report writing
Programmable Logic Controller
Programmable Logic Controller
Signal Generation and Broadcasting
Signal Generation and Broadcasting
Analog Electronics Lab
Computer Center Lab
Communication LAB
Digital Techniques & Microcontroller Lab
Electronics Workshop & PCB Lab
Embedded System Lab
Measurement & Control Lab

15-AUG-2022   15-AUG-2023   26-JAN-2023   26-JAN-2024

     NEWS LETTER 2023

List of Course Outcomes of ELECTRONICS & TELECOMMUNICATION Engineering Program
CO.No.Course Outcomes
Course Name: ENG 22101
C101.1Formulate Grammatically Correct Sentence.
C101.2Summarize the Comprehension Passage.
C101.3Compose dialogues and paragraphs for different situations.
C101.4Use relevant words according to the content.
C101.5Deliver prepared speeches to express ideas, thoughts, and emotions.
Course Name: BSC 22102
C102.1Estimate error in measurements of physical quantities.
C102.2Apply the principle of electricity & magnetism to solve engg. Problems.
C102.3Use the basic principle of heat & optics in related in engg. Application.
C102.4Apply the catalysis process in industries.
C102.5Use corrosion preventive measures in industry.
C102.6Use relevant engineering materials in industry.
Course Name: BMS 22103
C103.1Apply the concepts of algebra to solve engineering related problems. 
C103.2Utilize basic concepts of trigonometry to solve elementary engineering problems. 
C103.3Solve basic engineering problems under given conditions of straight lines. 
C103.4Solve the problems based on measurement of regular closed figures and regular solids. 
C103.5Use basic concepts of statistics to solve engineering related problems. 
Course Name: ICT 22001
C104.1Use computer system and its peripheral.
C104.2Prepare business document using word processing.
C104.3Interpret data and represent it graphically using spreadsheet.
C104.4Prepare a Professional presentation.
C104.5Use different types of web browsers.
Course Name: EGE 22002
C105.1Draw regular geometrical figurer . 
C105.2use drawing code, conventions, symbols as per sp-46 in engineering drawing. 
C105.3Draw view of given component or from orthographic projections. 
C105.4Draw isometric view of given component. 
C105.5Draw free hand sketches of given engg element. 
C105.6Use computer aided drafting approach to create engineering drawing. 
Course Name: WPE 22006
C106.1Use fire fighting equipment and other safety related accessories. 
C106.2Use fitting and sheet metal tools in the electronics workshop. 
C106.3Identify active and passive electronics components. 
C106.4Perform soldering and desoldering using soldering tools. 
C106.5Build simple jobs in the electronics workshop. 
CO.No.Course Outcomes 
Course Name: AME 22001
C107.1Calculate the equation of tangent, maxima ,minima , radius of curvature by differentiation.
C107.2Solve the given problem of integration using suitable methods.
C107.3Apply the concept of integration to find the area and volume.
C107.4Solve the differential equation of first order and first degree using suitable methods.
C107.5Apply the concept of numerical integration to investigate the area.
Course Name: EEC 22215
C108.1Use principles of magnetic circuits.
C108.2Use single phase AC supply for Electrical and electronics equipment.
C108.3Use threee phase AC supply for industrial equipments and machines.
C108.4Connect transformers and DC motors for spacific requirements.
C108.5Use FHP motors for diversified applications.
C108.6Use relevant protective devices/switchgear for different requirements.
Course Name: BEL 22216
C109.1Use relevant diode in different electronics circuits.
C109.2Maintain rectifiers comprising of diodes.
C109.3Use BJT in electronics circuits.
C109.4Use FET in electronics circuit.
C109.5Maintain DC regulated power supply.
Course Name: EEM 22217
C110.1Choose relevant metal on basis of conductivity Property.
C110.2Interpret the properties of dielectric materials.
C110.3Select the relevant magnetic materials for specified electronics application.
C110.4Select relevant semiconductor device fabrication materials.
C110.5Select material for the relevant applications.
Course Name: CPR 22218
C111.1Interpret the basic code of 'C'.
C111.2Implement the decision making in 'C' programming.
C111.3Use Arrays and Strings in 'C' programming.
C111.4Use functions in 'C' programs for modulate programming approach.
C111.5Use pointers to increase efficiency of programs.
C111.6Implement basic concept of structure in 'C'.
Course Name:  BCC  22009
C112.1Communicate Effectively by avoiding barriers in various formal & Informal situations.
C112.2Communicate skill fully using non-verbal methods of communication.
C112.3Give Presentations by using audio-visual aids.
C112.4Write reports using correct guidelines.
C112.5Compose e-mail and formal business letters.
CO.No.Course Outcomes 
Course Name: DTE 22320
C201.1Use number system and codes interpreting working of digital system.
C201.2Use boolean expression to realize logic circuits.
C201.3Build simple combinational circuits.
C201.4Build simple sequential circuits.
C201.5Test data converter and PLD in digital electronics circuits.
Course Name: AEL 22329
C202.1Use transistor as a low power amplifier.
C202.2Use BJT as a high power amplifier.
C202.3Use BJT as a feedback amplifier.
C202.4Use BJT as waveform generator.
C202.5Maintain IC voltage regulator and SMPS.
Course Name: ECN 22330
C203.1Check the working of single phase AC circuits.
C203.2Check the resonance condition of electric/electronic circuits.
C203.3Check the functionality using the principles of circuit analysis.
C203.4Use network theorems to determine the various parameters in circuits.
C203.5Use two port networks to determine the circuit parameters.
Course Name: EMI 22333
C204.1Interpret the Characteristics of electronics measuring Instruments.
C204.2Calibrate different type of Electronic Instrument.
C204.3Use the relevant meter to measure specified parameters.
C204.4Interpret the various types of sensors and transducers.
C204.5Use various types of transducers and sensors to measure quantities.
Course Name: PEC 22334
C205.1Use relevant frequency range for different communication system.
C205.2use relevant modulation technique for the specified application.
C205.3Maintain transmitter and receiver circuit of AM & FM.
C205.4use relevant media for transmission and reception of signals.
C205.5use relevant type of antenna for various application.
CO.No.Course Outcomes 
Course Name: LIC 22423
C206.1Use op-amp in linear electronic circuits.
C206.2Use various configuration of op-amp for different application.
C206.3Troubleshoot various linear application of op-amp for the given application.
C206.4Maintain filter and oscillator used in various electronics circuits.
C206.5Troubleshoot specified application various.
Course Name: CEL 22425
C207.1Troubleshoot different types of microphones and speakers.
C207.2Maintain audio system.
C207.3Aynalysis the composite vedio signal used in TV signal transmission.
C207.4Troubleshoot colour TV receiver.
C207.5Maintain various consumer electronics appliances.
Course Name: MAA 22426
C208.1Analyze of architecture of microcontroller IC.
C208.2Interpret the program for 8051 in assembly language for the given application.
C208.3Interpret the program by using timer, interpret serial port and parallel port.
C208.4Interface the memory and I/O devices to 8051 microcontroller.
C208.5Maintain microcontroller used in various application.
Course Name: BPE 22427
C209.1Identify power electronic devices in circuits.
C209.2Maintain triggering and commutation circuits.
C209.3Use choppers and inverters in different application.
C209.4Use choppers and inverters in different applications.
C209.5Maintain control circuits consisting of power electronic devices.
Course Name: DCS 22428
C210.1Analyze various error detection & correction codes in digital communication system.
C210.2Use various pulse code modulation techniques.
C210.3Maintain systems based on digital modulation techniques.
C210.4Multiplex & demultiplex digital signals.
C210.5Maintain spread spectrum based systems.
 Course Name: MET 22036
C211.1Select maintenance policy for specified equipment/appliances/ gadgets.
C211.2Select troubleshooting for specified work.
C211.3Maintain the electronics home appliances/ consumer electronics product.
C211.4Simulate electronics circuits using EDA tools.
C211.5Troubleshoot electronics circuits using EDA tools.
CO.No.Course Outcomes 
Course Name: EST 22447
C301.1Develop public awareness about environment.
C301.2Select alternative energy resources for engineering practice.
C301.3Conserve ecosystem and biodiversity.
C301.4Apply techniques to reduce environmental pollution.
C301.5Manage social issues and environmental ethics as lifelong learning.
Course Name: CSP 22531
C302.1Identify different types of control system.
C302.2Determine the stability of the control system.
C302.3Test the performance of various type of controller.
C302.4Maintain various components of PLC based process control system.
C302.5Maintain PLC based process control system.
Course Name: ESY 22532
C303.1Select the relevant microcontroller for various industrial application.
C303.2Use embedded c programming to maintain embedded system.
C303.3Interpret the communication strandred of embedded system.
C303.4Develope basic application using embedded system.
C303.5Interpret the features of real time application system.
Course Name: MWC 22533
C304.1Troubleshoot Mobile handsets.
C304.2Access cellular systems capacity.
C304.3Assess performance of standards of different cellular mobile systems.
C304.4Select relevant wireless technology suitable for various applications.
C304.5Test the performance of various wireless products.
Course Name: MAR 22535
C305.1Use Specified waveguides in microwave communication systems.
C305.2Maintain passive microwave components devices.
C305.3Maintain active microwave components and devices.
C305.4Interpret RADAR based systems for range detection.
C305.5Maintain various types of RADAR system for the specified application.
Course Name: ITR 22057
C306.1Communicate effectively the work carreied out.
C306.2Prepare & Present the report of the work carried out.
C306.3Exercise time management and safety in the work environment.
C306.4Working in a team.
C306.5Demonstrate various quality assurance.
C306.6Exhibits the work carried out.
Course Name: CPP 22058
C307.1write the problem/task specification in exiting system related to occupation.
C307.2Select ,collect and use required information to solve problem the task.
C307.3logically choose relevent possible solution.
C307.4consider the ethicall issues related to the project.
C307.5access the impact of the project on society.
C307.6Prepare project praposal with action plan.
CO.No.Course Outcomes 
Course Name: MAN 22509
C308.1Use basic Management principles to execute daily activities.
C308.2Use principle of planning & organizing for accomplishment of task.
C308.3Use principle of directing & controlling for implementing of task.
C308.4Apply principles of safety management in all activities.
C308.5Understand various provisions of Industrial acts.
 Course Name: CND 22634
C309.1Maintain wired computer network topologies.
C309.2Use the relevant network model for specified data communication system.
C309.3Maintain relevant transmission medium and modem for data transmission.
C309.4Analyse error detection/correction and flow control of data in the data network.
C309.5Configure the network component and assign IP address.
Course Name: ETE 22636
C310.1Suggest the relevant computing systems/processors for specific type of application.
C310.2Suggest the relevant components for the emerging applications.
C310.3Suggest different telecom network for given applications.
C310.4Suggest the relevant IoT technologies for Digital Factory.
C310.5Suggest the different electronic system for Smart World.
Course Name: ONS 22647
C311.1Interpret the function of various block of optical fiber communication system.
C311.2Measure the optical fiber cable parameter.
C311.3Select the relevant architecture of optical network for the given application.
C311.4Select uplink and downlink frequencies for various satellite services.
C311.5Maintain satellite services.
Course Name: EDE 22032
C312.1Identify your entrepreneurial traits.
C312.2Identify the business opportunities that suits you.
C312.3Use the support system to zero down to your business idea.
C312.4Develope comprehensive business plan.
C312.5Prepare plan to manage the enterprise effectively.
Course Name: CPE 22060
C313.1Implement the planned activity individually and or as team.
C313.2Select , collect and use required information knowledge to solve the idetified problems.
C313.3Take appropriate decision based on collected and analyze information.
C313.4Ensure quality in product.
C313.5Incorporate energy and environment conservation principles.
C313.6Consider ethical issues related to the project.
C313.7Access the impact of project on society.
C313.8Communicate effectively and confidentially as a member of and leader of team.
C313.9Prepare project report after performing due plagiarism check using appropriate tools.
Course Name: VWV 22062
C314.1Develop design flow for the given application using VLSI tool.
C314.2Interpret CMOS Technology circuits S with their specification.
C314.3Use relevant VHDL model for given application.
C314.4Debug VHDL program for the given applications.
C314.5Maintain FPGA based circuits.
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