Kai. Amdar Brahmdevdada Mane Shikshan Va Samajik Pratishtahn, Belati, Sanchalit
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Rcognized by Govt. of Maharashtra & Affiliated to M.S.B.T.E., Mumbai.)


  Recruitment Advertisement  2024-2025 &2025-2026    FY and DSY admissions rolling for 2024-25   DSY Non CAP Merit List 2024-25   FY Non CAP Merit List  2024-25



Prof. Raju Pawar

Head, Computer Technology Department

 M. Tech. 


Department of Computer Technology in BMP is one of the latest branches of diploma in engineering in modern era of technology. The technical education department aims towards
making available the trained and technically qualified hands to serve the industry and society. We are working hard to improve upon the quality of education. The department organizes
workshops, expert lectures, seminars, industrial visits and extra cocurricular activities from time to time to provide out students and facilities to interact students with peers from across the country. Our students are trained to develop a balanced personality and will prove to be an invaluable assets to an organization.

Computers have revolutionized not only data processing and storage, but also the quality of life, communication, manufacturing, and transportation, PCs, laptops, Internet and teleconferences have become household commodities...
The department has well equipped Terminal with the latest configuration & software packages. The department Terminals are interconnected with (LAN).
All the facilities are assisting in focusing the attention to increase the technical as well as theory knowledge of student


Sr. No.Name of FacultyDesignationJoining DateQualificationExperienceEmail IdPhoto
1.Mr Pawar Raju RatanHOD1/Sep/2022M. Tech. (CSE)20rajurpawar@yahoo.com
HOD R..Pawar
2.Ms Basate Bhagyashri AnnasoLecturer23/Sep/2022B.Tech01bhagyashribasate@gmail.com
Ms. Basate B.A.
3.Ms Pawar Monika DilipLecturer10/Oct/2022B.E.00monikapawar655@gmail.com
4.Mr Patil Sourabh AnilLecturer7/Feb/2023B.Tech02patilsourabh674@gmail.com
5.Mrs.Ghadge Swati ArvindLecturer9/Aug/2023B.E.00swatiaghadge106@gmail.com
Ghadage S.A.
6.Ms. Shefali Ajay GaddamLecturer01/Feb/2024B- Tech ENTC01gaddamshefali@gmail.com
7.Mr.Swapnil Shivaji JadhavLecturer01/01/2024BE(CSE)01jadhav.swapnil304@gmail.com
8.Mr. Onkar Khandappa YalgondeLecturer1/07/2024B.Tech0onkaryalgonde@gmail.com
9.Ms Anagha Haridas KulkarniLecturer18/6/2024B.Tech01anaghakulkarni2109@gmail.com


                            Non Teaching Staff

S. N.Name of StaffTotal ExperienceDesignationEmail IdPhoto
1Mrs Ghule Archana Nitin9.8Technical Lab Assistanceghulean12@gmail.com
2Mr Fulari Sachin Govind18Technical Lab Assistancefulari.sachin@gmail.com
2Mr Nichal Udayraj Prashant1Technical Lab Assistanceudaynichal96@gmail.com



“To become a center of excellence by producing skilled and technically competent computer engineers  to serve the society.”


  •  To impart skill-based technical education by providing a suitable academic environment in the field of Computer Engineering.
  • To establish an effective learning environment through industry-institute interactions.
  •  To produce responsible individuals by imparting good social and ethical values.
  • Provide socially responsible, environment-friendly solutions to Computer technology-related broad-based problems adapting professional ethics.
  • Adapt state-of-the-art Computer Technology and broad-based technologies to work in multi-disciplinary work environments.
  • Solve broad-based problems individually and as a team member communicating effectively in the world of work.
  • PSO1: To use state of art technologies for the operation of computer software and hardware.
  • PSO2: To maintain computer engineering-related software and hardware.
  • PSO3: To facilitate IT industries by providing technical human resources.

1. Basic and Discipline-specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science and
engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify and analyze well-defined engineering problems using codified standard methods.
3. Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet specified needs.
4. Engineering Tools, Experimentation, and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and appropriate techniques to conduct standard tests and measurements.
5. Engineering practices for society, sustainability, and environment: Apply appropriate technology in the context of society, sustainability, environment, and ethical practices.
6. Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team member, or as a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined engineering activities.
7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the context of technological changes.

Classroom Details are given below in table

Sr. No




Class Room



Tutorial Room



Seminar Hall


Lab Information

Sr. No

Name of Laboratory

Major Equipment


Programming Lab

Computer Setup :-20


Network Lab

Computer Setup :-20


Operating System Lab

Computer Setup :-20


Database Lab

Computer Setup :-20


Software testing Lab

Computer Setup :-20


Multimedia Lab

Computer Setup :-20


Hardware Lab

Computer System :-20,UPS,LAN Switch, Printer, Scanner, Color Printer, Printer Xerox, Monitor, OHP


  • Programming Lab :- Turbo C Software
  • Network Lab :- Turbo C Software , Cisco packet tracer.
  • Operating System Lab:- Java Development kit ,Linux.
  • Database Lab :- Python IDLE .
  • Software testing Lab :- Figma.
  • Multimedia Lab :- Android Studio, PyCharm.
Student Activity
Computer Center Lab
Student Activity
Student Activity
Student Activity
Student Activity
Student Activity
Student Activity

Student Activity

Dream Technology
Computer Center Lab
Dream Technology
Katare Informatics
Katare Informatics
Katare Infomartics
Rudra Infotech Photo
Rudra Infotech Photob
Computer Center Lab
Computer Center Lab
Computer Center Lab
Computer Center Lab
Computer Center Lab
Multimedia Lab
Network Lab
Network Lab
Operating System Lab
Operating System Lab
Programming Lab
Software Testing Lab
Software Testing Lab
List of Course Outcomes of Computer Technology Program
CO.No.Course Outcomes 
Course Name: ENG 22101
C101.1Formulate Grammatically Correct Sentence
C101.2Summarize the Comprehension Passage
C101.3Compose dialogues and paragraphs for different situations
C101.4Use relevant words according to the content.
C101.5Deliver prepared speeches to express ideas, thoughts, and emotions.
Course Name: BSC 22102
C102.1Estimate error in measurements of physical quantities.
C102.2Apply the principle of electricity & magnetism to solve engineering Problems.
C102.3Use the basic principle of heat & optics in related in engineering Application
C102.4Apply the catalysis process in industries.
C102.5Use corrosion preventive measures in industry.
C102.6Use relevant engineering materials in industry.
Course Name: BMS 22103
C103.1Apply the concepts of algebra to solve engineering related problems. 
C103.2Utilize basic concepts of trigonometry to solve elementary engineering problems. 
C103.3Solve basic engineering problems under given conditions of straight lines
C103.4 Solve the problems based on measurement of regular closed figures and regular solids
C103.5Use basic concepts of statistics to solve engineering related problems
Course Name: ICT 22001
C104.1Use computer system and its peripheral
C104.2Prepare business document using word processing too
C104.3Interpret data and represent it graphically using spreadsheet
C104.4Prepare Professional presentation.
C104.5Use different types of web browsers
Course Name: EGE 22003
C105.1Draw regular geometrical figure
C105.2use drawing code, conventions, symbols as per in engineering drawing
C105.3Draw the view of given objects using principles of orthographic projections 
C105.4Draw isometric view of given component or from orthographic projections
C105.5draw free hand sketches of given engineering element
C105.6Use computer aided drafting approach to create engineering drawing 
Course Name: WPC 22005
C106.1Use electrical tools, instrument ,devices & equipment basic level maintenance of computer & peripherals.
C106.2Identify active & passive electronics component.
C106.3Undertake basic level maintenance of a PC.
C106.4Use different types of printer & scanners.
C106.5Identify layout of wired & wireless LAN environment.
CO.No.Course Outcomes 
Course Name : EEC 22215
C107.1Use the principle of Magnetic circuits
C107.2Use single phase AC supply for electrical and electronic equipment's.
C107.3Use single three AC supply for industrial equipment's and machines.
C107.4Connect transformer and DC motors for specific requirements
C107.5Use FHP motor for diversified applications
C107.6Use relevant protective devices/ switchgear for different requirements
Course Name :AMI 22224
C108.1Calculate the equation of tangent , maxima, minima, radius of curvature by differentiation.
C108.2Solve the given problems of integration using suitable methods.
C108.3Apply the concept of integration to find area and volume
C108.4Solve the differential equations of first order and first degree using suitable methods.
C108.5Apply the concepts of numerical methods in computer programming languages. 
Course Name: BEC  22225
C109.1Identify electronic components in electronic circuits.
C109.2Use diodes in different applications.
C109.3Interpret the working of junction transistor in the electronic circuits.
C109.4Interpret the working of unipolar devices in the electronic circuits.
C109.5Use sensors and transducers.
Course Name: PCI 22226
C110.1Develop flowchart and algorithm to solve problems logically.   
C110.2Write simple 'C' programs using arithmetic expressions        
C110.3Develop 'C' programs using control structure.        
C110.4Develop 'C' programs using arrays and structures.    
C110.5Develop / Use functions in C programs for modular programming approach      
C110.6Develop 'C' programs using pointers.       
Course Name: BCC 22009
C111.1Communicate effectively by avoiding barriers in various formal and informal situations.
C111.2Communicate skillfully using non-verbal methods of communication
C111.3Give presentations by using audio- visual aids
C111.4Write reports using correct guidelines
C111.5Compose e-mail and formal business letters
Course Name: CPH 22013
C112.1Identify of different computer system.
C112.2Troubleshoot  Common motherboard problem.
C112.3Select processor of required for relevant problem.
C112.4Partition/ format hard disk drives.
C112.5Troubleshoot peripherals & networks.
C112.6Test power supplies.
Course Name: WPD 22014
C113.1Use block level formatting tags to present content on web page.
C113.2Use text level formatting tags to present content on web page.
C113.3Apply hyper linking on web page.
C113.4Organizing the content using table and frames.
C113.5Apply presentation schemes on content using CSS.
C113.6Publish websites on Internet or Intranet
CO.No.Course Outcomes 
Course Name: OOP 22316
C201.1Develop C++ programs to solve problems using Procedure Oriented Approach.
C201.2Develop C++ programs using classes and objects.
C201.3Implement Inheritance in C++ program.
C201.4Use Polymorphism in C++ program.
C201.5Develop C++ programs to perform file operations.
Course Name: DSU  22317
C202.1Perform basic operation on arrays.

C202.2Apply different searching and sorting techniques.

C202.3Implement basic operations on stack and queue using array representation.

C202.4Implement basic operation on Linked List.

C202.5Implement a Program to create  and traverse tree to solve problems.

Course Name: CGR  22318
C203.1Manipulate visual and geometric information of images.

C203.2Implement standard algorithms to draw various graphics objects using C program.

C203.3Develop programs for 2-D and 3-D Transformations.

C203.4Use projections to visualize objects on view plane.

C203.5Implement various clipping algorithms.

C203.6Develop programs to create curves using algorithms.

Course Name: DMS 22319

Design Normalized database using SQL Command.
C204.2Create & Manage Database using SQL Command.

Write PL/SQL Code for Given Database.
C204.4Apply Triggers of database also create procedure & function according to condition.

Apply Security & confidentiality on given database.
Course Name: DMS 22319
C205.1Use number system and codes for interpreting working of digital system
C205.2Use Boolean expressions to realize logic circuits
C205.3Build simple combinational circuits
C205.4Build simple sequential circuits
C205.5Test data converters and PLDs in digital electronics system
CO.No.Course Outcomes 
Course Name: JPR 22412
C206.1Develop programs using Object Oriented methodology in Java.
C206.2Apply concept of inheritance for code reusability.
C206.3Develop programs using multithreading.
C206.4Implement Exception Handling
C206.5Develop programs using graphics and applet.
C206.6Develop programs for handling I/O and file streams
Course Name: SEN 22413
C207.1Select suitable software process model for software development.

C207.2Prepare software requirement specification.

C207.3Uses software modeling to create data design.

C207.4Estimate size and cost of software product.

Apply project management and quality assurance principal in software development.

C207.5Apply project management and quality assurance principal in software development.

Course Name: DCC 22414
C208.1Analyze the functioning of data communication & computer network .
C208.2Select relevant transmission media & switching techniques as per need.
C208.3Analyze the transmission errors with respect to IEEE standards.
C208.4Configure different TCP/IP services.
C208.5Implement relevant network Topology using networking devices.
Course Name: MIC 22415
C209.1Use number system and codes for interpreting working of digital system.
C209.2Write assembly language program for the given problem.

C209.3Use instructions for different addressing modes.

C209.4Develop an assembly language program using assembler.

C209.5Develop assembly language programs using procedures, macros and modular programming approach.

Course Name: GAD 22034
C210.1Use Visual Studio IDE to design Application.

C210.2Develop GUI Application Using form controls and its event

C210.3Apply Object Oriented concept in GUI Application.

C210.4Use Data access controls to store data in database and redrive it.

C210.5Use Data Binding in GUI Application.

CO.No.Course Outcomes 
Course Name: EST  22447
C301.1Develop public awareness about environment
C301.2Select alternative energy resources for engineering practice
C301.3Conserve ecosystem and biodiversity
C301.4Apply techniques to reduce environmental pollution
C301.5Manage social issues and environmental ethics as lifelong learning
Course Name: OSY 22516
C302.1Install operating system and configure it.

C302.2Use operating system tools to perform various functions.

C302.3Execute process commands for performing process management operations.
C302.4Apply scheduling algorithms to calculate turnaround time and average waiting time.
C302.5Calculate efficiency of different memory management techniques.

C302.6Apply file management techniques.
Course Name: AJP 22517
C303.1Develop programs using GUI Framework (AWT and Swing).
C303.2Handle events of AWT and Swing components.
C303.3Develop programs to handle events in Java Programming.
C303.4Develop Java programs using networking concepts
C303.5Develop Java programs using database
C303.6Develop Java programs using Servlets
Course Name: STE 22518
C312.1Apply various software testing methods.

C312.2Prepare test cases for different types and levels of testing.

C312.3Prepare test plan for an application.

C312.4Identify bugs to create defect report of given application.

C312.5Test software for performance measures using automated testing tools.

Course Name: ACN 22520
C305.1Implement Network Layer Protocols.

C305.2Configure IPV6 Network

C305.3Choose routing protocol in the given network situation.

C305.4Implement different Transport Layer Protocols.

C305.5Configure various Application Layer Protocols.

Course Name: ITR 22057
C306.1Communicate effectively (verbal as well as written) the execute work
C306.2Prepare the industry report of executed work.
C306.3Exercise time management and safety in the work environment. 
C306.4work in teams for successful completion of projects assuring quality
Course Name: CPP   22058
C313.1write the problem/task specification in existing system related to Occupation
C313.2Select ,collect and use required information to solve problem the task
C313.3logically choose relevant possible solution
C313.4consider the ethical issues related to the project
C313.5access the impact of the project on society
C313.6Prepare project proposal with action plan
CO.No.Course Outcomes 
Course Name: MAN 22509
C308.1Use basic Management principles to execute daily activities.
C308.2Use principle of planning & organizing for accomplishment of task.
C308.3Use principle of directing & controlling for implementing of task.
C308.4Apply principles of safety management in all activities.
C308.5Understand various provision of Industrial acts.
Course Name: PWP 22616
C309.1Display message on screen using Python script on IDE.

C309.2Develop python program to demonstrate use of Operators.

C309.3Perform operations on data structures in Python.

C309.4Develop functions for given problem.

C309.5Design classes for given problem.

C309.6Handle exceptions.

Course Name: MAD 22617
C310.1Interpret features of Android operating system.
C310.2Configure Android environment and development tools.
C310.3Develop rich user Interfaces by using layouts and controls.
C310.4Use User Interface components for android application development.
C310.5Create Android application using database.
C310.6Publish Android applications.
Course Name: ETI 22618
C311.1Describe Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning and deep learning 
C311.2Interpret IoT concepts.
C311.3Compare Models of Digital Forensic Investigation
C311.4Describe Evidence Handling procedures.
C311.5Describe Ethical Hacking process.
C311.6Detect Network, Operating System and applications vulnerabilities.
Course Name: NIS 22620
C312.1Identify risk related  to computer Security & computer security & information hazard in various situation.
C312.2Apply user identification & authentication method.
C312.3Apply cryptographic algorithm & protocols to maintain computer security.
C312.4Apply measures to prevent attacks on network using  firewall
C312.5Maintain secured networks & describe Information  Security Compliance standards.
Course Name: CPE  22060
C313.1Implement the planned activity individually and or as team
C313.2Select , collect and use required information knowledge to solve the identified problems
C313.3take appropriate decision based on collected and analyze information
C313.4ensure quality in product 
C313.5incorporate energy and environment conservation principles 
C313.6Prepare project proposal with action plan 
C313.7consider ethical issues related to the project
C313.8Access the impact of project on society
C313.9Communicate effectively and confidentially as a member of and leader of team 
Course Name: EDE 22032
C314.1Identify your entrepreneurial traits.
C314.2Identify the business opportunities that suits you.
C314.3Use the support systems to zero down to your business idea.
C314.4Develop comprehensive business plans
C314.5Prepare plans to manage the enterprise effectively.
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