Kai. Amdar Brahmdevdada Mane Shikshan Va Samajik Pratishtahn, Belati, Sanchalit
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Rcognized by Govt. of Maharashtra & Affiliated to M.S.B.T.E., Mumbai.)


  Recruitment Advertisement  2024-2025 &2025-2026    FY and DSY admissions rolling for 2024-25   DSY Non CAP Merit List 2024-25   FY Non CAP Merit List  2024-25



Kandale Shrenik Deshbhushan

Prof.Shrenik Deshbhushan Kandale

Head, Civil Engineering Department

M. Tech. (Geotechnical Engineering)


My vision is to develop constructive thinking and analytical capabilities of every student of Civil Engineering Department. Our department is committed to provide students with a strong, broad based fundamental engineering education and prepare the students for a career in the industry, teaching and national laboratories. We also plan to develop entrepreneurial skills in students through internship programmes so that they would drive the spirit of growth of our economy and would be able to generate employment opportunities for other qualified and skilled people.
I personally look forward to integrate my experience of over 8 years in teaching and research into the learning systems and the collective efforts of the faculty of the department and build a comprehensive methodology that encompasses whatever that matters for nurturing the minds of our students. I look forward for preparing my students to face the challenges; the technology and engineering sector would offer in the future and succeed in offering technological solutions for the betterment of the society and our nation. I

Department of Civil Engineering was started in the academic year 2009-2010 to promote high-quality education in the field of civil engineering. The academic activities of the department emphasize a deep understanding of fundamental principles, the development of the creative ability to handle the challenges of civil engineering, and the analytical ability to solve interdisciplinary problems.

The department currently offers a Diploma in Civil Engineering program following the Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education Mumbai curriculum with a sanctioned intake of 60 students. The curriculum broadly covers the engineering subjects of related fields such as Surveying, Building Construction Materials, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Analysis and Design, Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Highway Engineering.

The Department has well-qualified and committed faculty members, lab technicians, and modern infrastructure in the form of elegant and smart classrooms, spacious laboratories, and the latest machinery and equipment. Students are encouraged to participate in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities to acquire leadership qualities. The Civil Engineering Students Association has been functioning for the benefit of the students. It serves as a platform for students to learn about recent advancements and bring together novel ideas. This Association aims to bridge the gap between the academic and the industry by inviting renowned industrialists and academicians to interact with students.

Guest lectures, industrial visits, site visits, etc., are organized and value-added courses are conducted regularly to ensure that students are conversant with recent developments in the field of Civil Engineering.

The Department encompasses professional societies such as the Institution of Engineers, which provides students a platform to acquire knowledge in various technical activities. It offers consultancy services in Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Surveying and Highway Engineering.

Sr. No.Name of FacultyDesignationGenderJoining DateQualificationExperienceEmail IdPhoto
1.Kandale Shrenik DeshbhushanHODM4-Aug-2020MTech Geotechnical Engineering09kandaleshrenik@gmail.com
2.Gavali Dattaprasad MurlidharSelection Grade LecturerM12-Jul-2011Mtech Structural Engineering23dattaprasad76@gmail.com
3.Yamgar Pushpa YashwantLecturerF20-Jul-2021Mtech* Water Resources Engineering03pushpayamgar95@gmail.com
Yamgar Pushpa Yashwant
4.Potdar Sonal HemantSr. LecturerF28-Sep-2021Mtech* Water Resources Engineering10sonalpotdar31@gmail.com
Potdar Sonal Hemant
5.More Prabhu ShankarSelection Grade LecturerM26-Nov-2021B.E. Civil30psmore5555@gmail.com
More Prabhu Shankar
6.Tupe Rahul RaghunathSr. LecturerM2-Mar-2022Mtech Water Resources Engineering10rtupe05@gmail.com

Rahul Tupe

7.Gawade Dhananjay PralhadLecturerM13-Dec-2022Mtech Structural Engineering05dhananjaygawadebmp@gmail.com

Gawade Dhananjay Pralhad

8.Dange Shivaji BhikajiSelection Grade LecturerM10-Jan-2023BE Civil20shivajidange45@gmail.com

Dange Shivaji Bhikaji

Sr. No.Name of StaffWork ExperienceDesignationBMP ExperienceTotal ExperienceEmail IdPhoto
1.Mr Kabade Shrinath Sunil4Technical Lab Assistance44sk8420087303@gmail.com
2.Mr Mulani Mubarak Dastagir10Technical Lab Assistance1010mmd0360@gmail.com
3.Mr Masalkhamb Poonam Chandrakant0Technical Lab Assistance11poonammasalkhamb006@gmail.com

Civil Engineering Department Vision

  • To cultivate the leaders in the Civil Engineering field bearing high technical competence to meet future challenges.

Civil Engineering Department Mission

  • To prepare students for the challenges in the Civil Engineering industry by infusing Skill-based Methodology.
  • To encourage self-development of the students through Curricular and Co-curricular activities.
  • To promote high Moral and Ethical values among the students to become responsible citizens.
  • Provide socially responsible, environment-friendly solutions to Civil engineering-related broad-based problems adapting professional ethics.
  • Adapt state-of-the-art Civil engineering broad-based technologies to work in multidisciplinary work environments.
  • Solve broad-based problems individually and as a team member communicating effectively in the world of work.
  • PSO 1. Construction Planning and Designing: Perform optimal civil engineering construction, planning, and designing activities of desired quality at optimal cost.
  • PSO 2. Construction Execution and Maintenance: Execute civil engineering construction and maintenance using relevant materials and equipment.
  • Basic and Discipline-specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science, and engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to solve engineering problems.
  • Problem analysis: Identify and analyze well-defined engineering problems using codified standard methods.
  • Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet specified needs.
  • Engineering Tools, Experimentation, and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and appropriate techniques to conduct standard tests and measurements.
  • Engineering practices for society, sustainability, and environment: Apply appropriate technology in the context of society, sustainability, environment, and ethical practices.
  • Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team member, or leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined engineering activities.
  • Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the context of technological changes.

Classroom Details are given below in table

Sr. No




Class Room



Tutorial Room


Lab Information

Sr. No

Name of Laboratory

Major Equipment


Strength of Material

  • Univarsal Testing Machine
  • Torsion Test
  • Izod and Charpy
  • Rockwell and Brinell Hardness


Applied Mechanics Lab

·         Diffrential wheel and Axle

·         Worm and Worm wheel

·         Single purchase crab winch

·         Double Purchase crab winch

·         Weston’s Diffrential Pully block

·         Beam Reaction apparatus


Surveying Lab

·         Total Station

·         Digital Plannimeter

·         Digital Theodolite

·         Theodolite

·         Plane Table


Concrete Technology

·         Vicat apparatus

·         Compaction Factor Apparatus

·         Slump Cone Test

·         IS Seives

·         Flackiness and Elongation


Geotechnical Engineering

·         Core Cutter

·         Sand Replacement

·         Laboratory Vane shear apparatus

·         Liquid and Plastic Limit apparatus

·         Standard Proctor Method

·         Permeability Test apparatus

·         Oven


Public Health Engineering

·         BOD incubator

·         COD incubator

·         DO meter

·         PH meter

·         Turbidity meter


Highway Engineering

·         Phensky martin Apparatus

·         Ring and Ball Apparatus

·         Standard penetroeter

·         Ductility Test Apparatus

·         Bitument extraction test apparatus

·         Digital analytical weighing scale

Engineers Day
Computer Center Lab
Engineers Day
Engineers Day
Engineers Day
Engineers Day
Teachers Day
Teachers Day
Teachers Day
Teachers Day
Teachers Day
Teachers Day
Teachers Day
Teachers Day
Auto 2D and 3D by Mr Sanjay Kedari
Computer Center Lab
Auto 2D and 3D by Mr Sanjay Kedari
Auto 2D and 3D by Mr Sanjay Kedari
Auto 2D and 3D by Mr Sanjay Kedari
Job Opportunities for Civil Engineering Students in PWD
Job Opportunities for Civil Engineering Students in PWD
Trends in Civil Engineering By Mr. Sunil Furde
Trends in Civil Engineering By Mr. Sunil Furde
Trends in Civil Engineering By Mr. Sunil Furde
Trends in Civil Engineering By Mr. Sunil Furde
Trends in Civil Engineering By Mr. Sunil Furde
Trends in Civil Engineering By Mr. Sunil Furde
Trends in Civil Engineering By Mr. Sunil Furde
Trends in Civil Engineering By Mr. Sunil Furde
Railway Engineering
Computer Center Lab
Railway Engineering
Railway Engineering
Railway Engineering
Railway Engineering
Railway Engineering
Sewage Treatment Plant Degaon Solapur
Sewage Treatment Plant Degaon Solapur
Ujani Dam Bhima Nagar Solapur Visit
Ujani Dam Bhima Nagar Solapur Visit
Ujani Dam Bhima Nagar Solapur Visit
Ujani Dam Bhima Nagar Solapur Visit
Visit to Radhe Krishna construction site by aluminum formwork / Maivan shuttering
Visit to Radhe Krishna construction site by aluminum formwork / Maivan shuttering
Visit to Radhe Krishna construction site by aluminum formwork / Maivan shuttering
Water Treatment Plant Pakni Solapur
Water Treatment Plant Pakni Solapur
Engineering Mechanics Lab
Computer Center Lab
Geotechnical Engineering and Concrete Technology Lab
Geotechnical Engineering and Concrete Technology Lab
Public Health Engineering
Public Health Engineering
Strength of Material Lab
Strength of Material Lab
Engineering Mechanics  Lab
Surveying Lab
Surveying Lab
Surveying Lab
Surveying Lab
Surveying Lab
Surveying Lab
List of Course Outcomes of Civil Engineering Program
Course outcome numberCourse outcome statement
C101.1Formulate Grammaticaly Correct Sentence
C101.2Summarize the Comprehension Passage
C101.3Compose dialogues and paragraphs for difrent situations
C101.4Use relevent words according to the content.
C101.5Deliver prepared speeches to express ideas, thoughts, and emotions.
C102.1Estimate error in mesurment of physical quantities
C102.2Apply the no. of electricity & magnetism to solve engg. Problems
C102.3Use the basic principle of heat & optics in related in engg. Application
C102.4Apply the catalysis process in industries
C102.5Use corrosion preventive measures in industry
C102.6Use relevent Engg. Materials in industry
C103.1Apply the concept of algebra to solve engineering related problems.
C103.2Utilize basic concept of trignometry to solve elements engineering problem.
C103.3Solve basic engineering problems under given conditions of straight lines.
C103.4Solve the problems based on masurement of regular closed figures and regular solids.
C103.5Use basic concepts of statistics to solve enginerring related problems.
104.1Use computer system and its peripherals.
104.2Prepare business document using word processing tool.
104.3Interpret data and represent it graphically using spreadsheet.
104.4Prepare profestional presentation.
104.5Use different types of web browsers.
C105.1Draw regular geometrical figures
C105.2Draw the views of given object using principles of orthographic projection
C105.3Draw isometric views of given component or from orthographic projections
C105.4Use drawing codes, conventions and symbols as per IS SP-46 in engineering drawing
C105.5Draw free hand sketches of given engineering elements
C106.1Select tools and machinery according to job
C106.2Use hand tools in different shops for performing different operations
C106.3Operate equipment and machines in various shops
C106.4Prepare jobs according to drawing.
C106.5Maintain workshop related tools, instruments and machines
C107.1Calculate the equation of tangent and normal maxima minima radius of curvature by differentiation
C107.2Solve the given problems of integration using suitable methods
C107.3Apply the concept ofintegration to find area and volume
C107.4Solve the differential equations of first order and first degree using suitable methods
C107.5Apply the concept of numerical integration to invistigate the area.
C108.1Select relevant material in indudustry by analysing its physical properties
C108.2Apply Laws of motion in various application
C108.3Use LASERs, X- Rays and photo electric sensors
C108.4Select the relevent metalluragical process related to indudustrial applications
C108.5Use relevant water treatment process to solve industrial problems
C108.6Use relevant fuel in relevant application
C109.1Identify the force systems for given conditions by applying the basics of mechanics.
C109.2Select the relevant simple lifting machine (s) for given purposes.
C109.3Determine the unknown force (s) of different engineering systems.
C109.4Check the stability of various force systems.
C109.5Apply the principles of friction in various conditions for useful purposes.
C109.6Find the centroid and centre of gravity of various components of engineering systems.
C110.1Identify relevant construction materials.
C110.2Identify relevant natural construction materials.
C110.3Select relevant artificial construction materials.
C110.4Select relevant special type of construction materials.
C110.5Select relevant finishing materials for construction.
C110.6Identify processed construction materials.
C111.1Select the type of survey for given situation
C111.2Compute area of open field using chain, tape and cross staff
C111.3Conduct traversing in the field using chain and compass.
C111.4Use leveling instruments to determine reduced level of ground points
C111.5Draw or interpret contour maps of an area collecting field data.
C111.6Use digital planimeter to calculate the areas.
C112.1Identify the various construction activities at site.
C112.2Perform masnory job activities.
C112.3Perform plumbing job activities.
C112.4Identify finishing jobs related to building construction.
C112.5Identify the various components of typical civil structures like road ,culvert/bridge
C113.1Communicate Effectively by avoiding barriers in various formal & Informal situation
C113.2Communicate skill fully using non-verbal methods of communication
C113.3Give Presentations by using audio-visual aids
C113.4Write reports using correct guidelines
C113.5Compose e-mail and formal business letters
C201.1Prepare plans using Plane Table Surveys
C201.2Prepare plans using Theodolite Surveys
C201.3Find distances and elevations using Tacheometer
C201.4Set out simple circular Curves
C201.5Prepare plans using Total Station instrument.
C201.6Locate coordinates of stations using GPS
C202.1Identify the types of roads as per IRC Recommendations.
C202.2Implement the Geometrical Design features of different highway
C202.3Perform different test on road materials.
C202.4Evaluate traffic flow characteristics.
C202.5Implement hill road construction using relevant materials, techniques and methods.
C202.6Undertake maintenance of roads and drainage.
C203.1articulate practical application of moment of inertia of symmetrical and unsymmetrical structural sections
C203.2Intrept structural behaviour of materials under variuos loading conditions
C203.3select material considering engg properties for various structural applications
C203.4Intrept shear force and bending moment diagram for various types of beams and loading conditions
C203.5Determine bending and shear stresses in beams under different loadind conditions
C203.6Check the column safety for various loading and end conditions
C204.1Identify components of building structures.
C204.2Propose suitable type of foundation for building structures.
C204.3Select suitable type of masonry for building structures
C204.4Propose relevant means of communications for different types of buildings.
C204.5Select the relevant material for finishing works.
C204.6Execute safe practices in building construction activities.
C205.1Use relevant types of cement in different site conditions.
C205.2Use relevant aggregates for required concrete works.
C205.3Prepare concrete of desired compressive strength.
C205.4Prepare concrete of required specifications .
C205.5Maintain the quality of concrete .
C205.6Use relevant admixtures for concreting for different weather conditions .
C206.1Interpret the given 2-diamensional drawing.
C206.2Use CAD software for draft.ing and editing 2-diamensional drawing.
C206.3Locate the diamensions of the drafted drawing.
C206.4Draw the isometric and 3 dimensional drawing.
C207.1Interpret the pressure parameters from pressure measuring devices in flowing liquids
C207.2Determine total hydrostatic pressure and centre of pressure for different conditions
C207.3Use relevant fluid flow parameters in different situatios
C207.4Determine the loss of head of fluid flow through pipes
C207.5Find the fluid flow parameters in open channel
C207.6Select relevnt Hydraulic pumps for different applications
C208.1Analise the stress induced in virtical members subjected to direct and Bending loads
C208.2Analise the Slope and Deflection in beam under different Loading Condition
C208.3Analise the End Moments Of Fixed Beam
C208.4Analise the contineous beam under different loading conditions using principles of Three Moment Theorem
C208.5Analise the contineous beam under different loading conditions using principles of TMoment Distribution method
C208.6Evaluate the axial forces in simple Truss
C209.1Identify the components of railway tracks.
C209.2Maintain the railway tracks.
C209.3Diagnose the condition of brides.
C209.4Maintain different types of railway bridges & their components.
C209.5Maintain different types of tunnels.
C210.1Identify types of rocks and sub soil strata of earth
C210.2Interprete the physical properties of soil related to given construction activities.
C210.3Use the result of permeability and shear strength test for foundation analysis.
C210.4Interprete the soil bearing capacity results.
C210.5Compute optimum values for moisture content for maximum dry density of soil through various tests.
C211.1Interpret the symbols, signs & conventions from the given drawing.
C211.2Prepare line plans of residential & public buildings using principles of planning.
C211.3prepare submission & working drawing from the given requirement for load bearing structures.
C211.4prepare submission & working drawing from the given requirement for framed structures.
C211.5Draw two point perspective drawing for given small objects.
C212.1Develop Public awareness about enviornment.
C212.2Select alternative energy resources for Engineering Practice.
C212.3Conserve Ecosystem and Biodiversity
C212.4Manage social issues and environmental ethics as lifelong learning
C212.5Manage social issues and environmental ethics as lifelong learning
C301.1Estimate Hydrological Parameters
C301.2Estimate crop water requirements of a command area and capacity of canals.
C301.3Maintain irrigation structures
C301.4Execute the Minor and Micro Irrigation schemes.
C301.5Select the relevant Diversion Head works for the specific site conditions.
C301.6Design Construct and Maintain simple Canal structures
C302.1Use steel table & IS code 800:2007 at work sites.
C302.2Design the connections for given steel joints.
C302.3Analysis & design of singly reinforced rectangular beams.
C302.4Design of shear reinforcement & development length for slabs & beams.
C302.5Design of various slabs for given edge condition
C302.6Design of axially loaded short column & footing
C303.1Select the modes of measurements for different items of works.
C303.2Prepare approximate estimate of a civil engineering works.
C303.3Prepare detailed estimate of civil engineering works .
C303.4Justify the rate for given items of work using rate analysis techniques.
C303.5Use relevant software for estimating the quantities & cost of items of works.
304.1Identify the sources and characteristics of water and wastewater
304.2Estimate the quantity of drinking water and wastewater generated
304.3Draw labeled systems of plumbing for building sanitation.
304.4Draw the flow diagram for process of treatment of water and wastewater
304.5Identify various accessories for efficient conveyance and distribution of water.
C305.1Undertake surveys to decide the status of socio-economic significance.
C305.2Identify the need of watershed management in rural areas.
C305.3Suggest the relevant government schemes for construction of roads, housing and energy conservation
C305.4Suggest the relevant cottage and agro based industries for rural areas
C305.5Select reverent schemes of central/state government for rural areas
C305.6Apply the principles of rural development in rural areas.
C306Industrial Training
306.1To enable students to learn the basic concepts of Project & Production Management of industries.
306.2To enable students to learn the basic concepts of Project & Production Management of industries.
306.3To study the concept of Facility, Location & Layout & implement/Expertise /domain /Product in their Industrial In-plant training Project work.
306.4Enhance communication skills and life-long learning, and acquire technical skills,
employability skills, Practical skills, and risks in industry, management skills and such other skills which are conducive to professional engagement.
306.5Identify career paths taking into account their individual strengths and aptitude and Prepare a report about the work experience in industry
C307.1Write the problem/task specification in existing systems related to the occupation.
C307.2Select, collect and use required information/knowledge to solve the problem/complete the task.
C307.3Logically choose relevant possible solution(s).
C307.4Consider the ethical issues related to the project (if there are any).
C307.5Assess the impact of the project on society (if there is any).
C307.6Prepare 'project proposals' with action plan and time duration scientifically before beginning of project.
C307.7Communicate effectively and confidently as a member and leader of team
C308.1Use of management principles to execute the daily activities
C308.2Use principles of planning and organizing for accomplishment of tasks.
C308.3Use principles of directing and controlling for implementing the plan.
C308.4Apply principle of safety management in all activities.
C308.5Understand various provisions of industrial acts.
C309.1Execute the method of PWD for initiating the works.
C309.2Execute the contract for civil engineering works.
C309.3Prepare tender documents for civil engineering works.
C309.4Use relevant type of form used in PWD to pay the bill of the executed works.
C309.5Prepare the detailed specifications for various items of construction.
C309.6Justify the rent fixation of civil structures.
C310.1Select the relevant method of maintaining different building structure
C310.2Select the relevant method of maintaining different building structure
C310.3Select the relevant material for repair of structures
C310.4Apply the relevant methods of repair for the masonary structure
C310.5Restore the damages of building structural element using suitable method of repair
C310.6Prepare the structural audit and budget for the maintenance of structure
311.1Reveal different applications of software for planning, designing and execution of projects
311.2Suggest the advanced materials as per site condition .
311.3Recommand the suitable tools and equipments for the given situations.
311.4Suggest the advanced resource management techniques for the given project.
311.5Use the feasible advanced techniques for various civil engineering projects.
312.1Identify the different sources of solid wastes.
312.2Execute the relevant method of collection and transportation of solid wastes.
312.3Execute an action plan for disposal of solid wastes.
312.4Implement the relevant method for disposal of Bio-medical wastes.
312.5Implement the relevant method for disposal of Industrial wastes and E-waste.
312.6Implement the relevant laws related to solid waste management.
C313.1implement the planned activity individually and/or as team.
C313.2Select, collect and use required information/knowledge to solve the identified problem.
C313.3Take appropriate decisions based on collected and analysed information.
C313.4Ensure quality in product.
C313.5Incorporate energy and environment conservation principles.
C313.6Consider the ethical issues related to the project (if there are any).
C313.7Assess the impact of the project on society (if there is any).
C313.8Communicate effectively and confidently as a member and leader of team.
C313.9Prepare project report after performing due plagiarism check using appropriate tools.
C314.1organize human resources for civil engineering projects
C314.2Prepare network and bar chart for the given construction project
C314.3Apply safety measures at construction project
C315.1Identify your entrepreneurial traits.
C315.2Identify the business opportunities that suits you.
C315.3Use support system to zero down to your business idea.
C315.4Develop comprehensive business plans.
C315.5Prepare plan to manage the enterprise effectively.
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